Looking deeper in to the mysteries of our wondrous universe

Archive for May, 2012

Time Traveling Man Meets his Future Self, Records it on Video

So here is an interesting video about a man claiming to have traveled in time after finding a “portal” under his kitchen sink–which sounds a bit like Harry Potter meets the Chronicles of Narnia to me. I mean when I was a kid I would have loved it if I could crawl under our sink and disappear into a whole other world and meet my future self.

I was pretty flabbergasted at this video. Here is a guy using his real name (well as much as we know) with his family and he releases this video to the world in which a lot of people would say he either needs to lay off the crack, out of his mind, or just wanting attention.

However, he seems like a pretty normal and rational dude.

There are many scientists out there proving that other dimensions do exist and that they are real. I don’t remember their name but their is a German scientist (and no not Einstein) who says that he has figured out that at least something like 9 dimensions exist.

Someone else said that he figured at least 18. Point being many people could agree that when we dream we do enter another dimension, since so many dreams feel so real that they are hard to tell sometimes, even when we wake up.

Over all the video is highly interesting and either if it is real or not, really makes you think about how it would be like to meet your future self.

So if anyone out there has also met themselves from the future, please let me know, I would love to hear about it.

Apollo Belenus is the Paranormal editor for Before its News,

Follow him on Twitter: @B4INparanormal and Facebook

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Flying Orb Caught on Video in a Parking Lot

Flying orb hovers around a car

I came across this video today of what appears to be a flying Orb hovering over cars in a parking lot caught by a security camera. The video says “Angel Captured” to me I wouldn’t call it an angel. User letloverule7, commented that it is an insect that was caught in a spider web that was close to the camera. Another user commented “This video its fake its a bug and the uploader doesn’t seem to realize this. From the way it moves I would say a fly.”

However, the user who uploaded the video said “I come back inside and see that thing still hovering so went out again and checked the cameras in detail to look for some bugs or a bird, but nothing like that at all was visible by the camera.

Another interesting fact is for some reason the video is sped up by a 1/2 second so the video play back is not at real time. It is faster then real time, so it makes it look even more like a bug. Watch the timer on the video and you will see the clock counting faster then normal. With that said and without the light producing a shadow it is hard to tell.

However, if this helps below is a message from  Aquazone93, the user who uploaded the video.

His message reads:

I operate a water store in Surrey, B.C., Canada. We have a security camera set up for the mall. I always keep an eye while doing my work for safety reasons.

On Nov. 21st evening, around 4.48 PM, I suddenly noticed on our monitor, some white object flying outside the store.

That made me very curious so I stepped out to nullify the possibility of reflection of something on the sidewalk or the hood of the car parked in front of my store. But that wasn’t the case.

So I come back inside and see that thing still hovering so went out again and checked the cameras in detail to look for some bugs or a bird, but nothing like that at all was visible by the camera.

The “flying angel” kept changing the shape and size and kept moving around for about four minutes and then disappeared. while this thing was happening, a small black bird comes from nowhere hits the door of my next door neighbour, falls on the front of the door and flys away!!!! But they did not see anything at all even though they were in the front of the store looking outside!!!

I went outside again to check for bugs but not a single bug was found as the temperature outside was around 2 C and very cold.

There were people going around in the mall but no one except the infra red camera saw the whole thing. – User Aquazone93

So in the end as usual with these unexplained videos, it is always up to the reader to decide.

Apollo Belenus is the Paranormal editor for Before its News,

Follow him on Twitter: @B4INparanormal and Facebook

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UFO Sonic Booms Heard Across California

A sonic boom shook parts of California this past April with a streak of light blazing across the sky. Scientist say it was a meteor shower. I am always curious why these “scientists” don’t explore the option that this could just be more the a meteor shower. I have never heard of a meteor shower creating a sonic boom, and from what I found online I couldn’t find any other reference.

I personally think when the word UFO is mentioned around these scientists, they feel people won’t take them seriously and there are many people out there who don’t believe in them for sure. So they take the easy way out.

I do think that lately more and more people are coming to believe, I mean every major Hollywood action movie blockbuster now has something to do with aliens or aliens attacking Earth. I guess they are running out of ideas for movies.

I mean who would have thought Battleship would turn into a Hollywood blockbuster with aliens attacking. This really shows me that we have reached the end of the rope.  What is next Adam Sandler in a Candy Land game?  Oh yeah they are thinking of making that too. Hopefully without aliens attacking.

Apollo Belenus is the Paranormal editor for Before its News,

Follow him on Twitter: @B4INparanormal and Facebook

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Invisible US Soldier Caught on Video Using Invisibility Cloak

US military soldier using an Invisibility Cloak to take over an Iraqi tank and gets captured.

Out of all of magic from Harry Potter, most people would agree that Harry’s invisibility cloak is one of the coolest tricks up his sleeve. Well Potter fans may soon have their wish. It came out last year that scientists have been working on a small scale model of using special material to bend light and make objects appear invisible. Last March the tech site Techzwn had an article about using lasers and nanotechnology to create an invisibility effect.

Sounds a bit futuristic and cool right? But don’t go disappear just yet, scientists say the world won’t see any of the invisible anytime soon. Right, so if they are being used by someone then of course we won’t see it.

Or can we?

Well what about the military. I mean to them if they can lower the casualty among our soldiers and blow up stuff without being spotted wouldn’t they be happy. Which is exactly what this video I came across shows. (The music is a bit cheesy but it was the best one I found using X-ray video) A video released by Iraqi insurgents capture a U.S. Soldier who appears out of thin air!!!

However, this video doesn’t really give detail on where it came from, who was able to obtain it, and how they manage to upload it, so with that said you can’t necessarily jump to any conclusions that this is real. It just says that this is a “video released by Iraqi insurgents that captured a U.S. Soldier who appears out of thin air!”

Now people with power tend to be greedy and that greed leads to being paranoid about losing that power. So what would stop them from using this technology on the masses. We pay enough tax dollars a year for them to reconstruct a whole new moon to serve as a battle station. So what would stop them from using this technology.

Which is a scary thought. If they have been using it and it is just starting to get public about a civilian invisibility cloak, what else have they developed that we don’t know?

But back to the cloak, well what would the world do with invisibility cloaks anyway besides spy on your significant other, play jokes on people (like this link), go into secrete meetings, or anything else that would be considered illegal, dangerous or immoral.

A few positive uses would be like someone living in a bad area of a city, uses one after getting off work really late. Or a famous person who wants to avoid being seen.

Here is a short video which does have a positive angle to the benefits of using an invisibility cloak.

In the end, I am not if the world is ready for mass production of the invisibility cloak, we tend to lean on the negative side of things and it could become very dangerous in the hands of the wrong people. Sad thing is, it already might just be.

There are also many stories and pictures of Alien UFOs using this technology which is where the technology might have came from, but that is entirely different story altogether.

Apollo Belenus is the Paranormal editor for Before its News,

Follow him on Twitter: @B4INparanormal and Facebook

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