Looking deeper in to the mysteries of our wondrous universe

Archive for February, 2013

Cube Around the Sun Bigger than Earth

Scott Waring who edits UFO Sightings Daily reveals additional apparent alien activity around the Sun as of 15 January 2012.  He has further commented that UFOs have been seen around the sun for over two years now. They were apparently first discovered by Russian scientists and NASA scientists have never commented on the phenomenon as of yet.

“These UFOs are sometimes black which indicate they are not hot…and other times ring or cube like, but the odd thing that stands out the most is that most are bigger than Earth.”

Scott Waring has affiliated with the military when he had lived in the States.  He now lives in Taiwan as a ESL teacher.

The Cube which one can’t help to think resembles the Borg ship from 90’s TV Show Star Trek the next Generation.

As the Canadian newsite AgoraCosmopolitan put it: Could the creators of Star Trek have know about such entities? Was the depiction of the Borg known among Archons on Earth, and based upon Dr. Micheal Salla’s testimony “hiding truth in plain sight”?

Apollo Belenus is the Paranormal editor for Before its News,

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