Looking deeper in to the mysteries of our wondrous universe

Posts tagged “angel

Flying Orb Caught on Video in a Parking Lot

Flying orb hovers around a car

I came across this video today of what appears to be a flying Orb hovering over cars in a parking lot caught by a security camera. The video says “Angel Captured” to me I wouldn’t call it an angel. User letloverule7, commented that it is an insect that was caught in a spider web that was close to the camera. Another user commented “This video its fake its a bug and the uploader doesn’t seem to realize this. From the way it moves I would say a fly.”

However, the user who uploaded the video said “I come back inside and see that thing still hovering so went out again and checked the cameras in detail to look for some bugs or a bird, but nothing like that at all was visible by the camera.

Another interesting fact is for some reason the video is sped up by a 1/2 second so the video play back is not at real time. It is faster then real time, so it makes it look even more like a bug. Watch the timer on the video and you will see the clock counting faster then normal. With that said and without the light producing a shadow it is hard to tell.

However, if this helps below is a message from  Aquazone93, the user who uploaded the video.

His message reads:

I operate a water store in Surrey, B.C., Canada. We have a security camera set up for the mall. I always keep an eye while doing my work for safety reasons.

On Nov. 21st evening, around 4.48 PM, I suddenly noticed on our monitor, some white object flying outside the store.

That made me very curious so I stepped out to nullify the possibility of reflection of something on the sidewalk or the hood of the car parked in front of my store. But that wasn’t the case.

So I come back inside and see that thing still hovering so went out again and checked the cameras in detail to look for some bugs or a bird, but nothing like that at all was visible by the camera.

The “flying angel” kept changing the shape and size and kept moving around for about four minutes and then disappeared. while this thing was happening, a small black bird comes from nowhere hits the door of my next door neighbour, falls on the front of the door and flys away!!!! But they did not see anything at all even though they were in the front of the store looking outside!!!

I went outside again to check for bugs but not a single bug was found as the temperature outside was around 2 C and very cold.

There were people going around in the mall but no one except the infra red camera saw the whole thing. – User Aquazone93

So in the end as usual with these unexplained videos, it is always up to the reader to decide.

Apollo Belenus is the Paranormal editor for Before its News,

Follow him on Twitter: @B4INparanormal and Facebook

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