Looking deeper in to the mysteries of our wondrous universe

Batman’s ‘BAT’ Like UFO Filmed in Mexico and UFO Mother Ship ‘Giving Birth’

Mexico seems to attract many UFO sightings, like back in June 2004, there was a massive fleet of 50-100 UFOs seen over Mexico city seen in this video.

Many Ufologists thought that this event was going to be the day it will be announced to the world that aliens do exist, however, somehow it did not happen. The Mexican government even asked the US government openly to share any information regrading UFO and aliens and/or if it had secret military crafts it was experimenting with. Publicly the US government remained silent. Some big news channels did show the phenomenon, but it was played down and not publicized widely and soon forgoten, replaced with the Bush/Kerry drama. Since 2004, there has been numerous sightings in Mexico.

Here is a very good video of a UFO filmed this past April over Mexico combined with a UFO taken in 2009.

In the video the UFO seems to “give birth” to a few smaller UFOs as they fly around the “mothership” UFO. Also filmed in 2010, is a great detailed video of an UFO that resembles Batman’s “BAT” craft he flies in the new “The Dark Knight Rises” movie, maybe that is where Nolan got the idea?

Still don’t believe in UFO’s? Check out my last post, NASA Scientists And Astronauts Tell The World Aliens Do Exist!

Apollo Belenus is the Paranormal editor for Before its News,

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